Monday, September 6, 2010

Backed into a corner

I think that is how Job was feeling in chapters 10-13.  You can see how his attitude has changed.  The last of his three friends has turned on him.  He feels alone and has no escape from his troubles.  God has turned His back on him (at least that is how Job is feeling) and he can't get anyone to listen. You no longer read despair in Job's words but rather resolve.  Resolve to stay true to what he knows is right.  Resolve to prove his friends wrong somehow.  Resolve to fight his way out of the corner or die trying. 

Job is no longer pleading but rather presenting his case.  He is no longer being the victim but rather he takes a deep breath and stands up straight and shows his resolve.  He is willing to accept whatever God has for him but he will not lay down, he will not admit guilt when he is innocent and he will not go down without a fight.

In chapter 13 verse 3 Job asks for a chance to speak directly with the Almighty and to argue his case directly with God.  How brave was that?!?  He was backed into a corner and he was going to do whatever it would take to get his way out.

There is something inside of us...some sort of switch...that seems to flip when we are backed into a corner.  Sometimes it happens in a not so good way, like anger but sometimes it flips to strengthen our resolve, determination and perseverance. 

When I was a little kid I was sort of stubborn.  Ok, not really sort of...just flat out stubborn.  I rarely gave in and I often asserted my opinion.  I know it's shocking to those who know me <insert sarcasm here> but it's true :-D  My mom told me once that she prayed that God would remove the stubbornness from me and God told her that it wasn't stubbornness but rather perseverance and that I would need a lot of that later in life.  God was right. 

Job was displaying his stubbornness/perseverance/steely resolve in the reading today.  He was no longer a defeated victim but rather someone who would stand firm in his faith, not give in to peer pressure to admit guilt that wasn't his and be brave and take his case directly to the Almighty no matter the outcome.  Job's suffering may not have ended yet, but his character is being changed through it.  He may not see it, but he is becoming a different Job in more ways than just the obvious.  Job will never be the same inside or out.

Next time you are backed into a corner, remember Job.  Flip the switch to turn on your perseverance and steely resolve.  Go directly to the Almighty and state your case, He will listen.  Stand firm in your faith and then look for ways that God is changing you and growing you and molding you.  Don't give up...take a deep breath and persevere!  And then just wait and see what God is going to do!!!