Saturday, June 18, 2011

Gotta go! I've got a fish!

Those are not the most romantic words to hear from the lips of your husband LOL! But those are the exact words I heard today.  You see, my husband is down in Southern Oregon fishing with the men in my family on the annual Father's day fishing trip.  I had missed a call from him earlier and when I returned his call they were back out on the water.  I was in mid-sentence when my husband belted out "Gotta go...I've got a fish!" and the phone went dead!

Now I could've gotten really annoyed but it actually made me laugh.  The fact that my husband's attention at that moment was solely focused on the fish that had just bit his line does not in any way lessen his love or devotion to me.  The fish bit and he was gonna catch it no matter what.

Earlier today I was glancing back over the chapter in 66 Love Letters about Exodus.  The author sums up the book of Exodus in this sentence:

"I will do whatever it takes to carry out my plan."

That was illustrated perfectly for me when my husband said "Gotta go...I've got a fish!"  There was nothing that was going to get in the way of Nathan getting that fish.  It had his attention.  WE have God's attention!  100% of the time.  Nathan called me back after he had the fish in the boat and he focused his attention on me.

But think about it, nothing takes God's attention off of us.  Nothing distracts Him.  Nothing looks better or brighter, or more fun, or more enticing, or more exciting, or more important to Him.  Everything He does, He does for us.  Each move He makes, He makes with us in mind and to fulfill His plan.

At times, it might not seem like He is focused on us or it may seem He doesn't care about us just like it could've appeared Nathan didn't care about me when he hung up on me to catch a fish.  But I know and trust that Nathan loves me.  How much more should I trust that God loves me?  Even when it seems to me He is doing something that doesn't really feel like love.  If I believe in Him and trust Him, I know everything He does is because He loves me.

Can we really grab a hold of that?  God's attention, mind, focus and love is always on me and at the same time it is always on you...and you...and you.  It is almost unfathomable the love of God.  He never takes His eyes off of any of us.  EACH of us, individually, have the attention and focus of God.  He has a plan for each of us, individually.  He moves on behalf of each of us. He died for each of us.  All by ourselves, alone, singular, and me.  We each have the focus and attention of the Creator of the Universe!  Wow!  I can't even really wrap my brain around it.

And just think what could happen if we put our focus on Him 50% or 25% or even just 10% of the time.  How would our hearts change?  How would our path in life change?  Would we become so wrapped up in God's plan for us that nothing would get in our way of fulfilling His purpose?  I think we would.  I think we would long to draw closer and closer to Him and to please Him and to honor Him.  I think we would see and feel His heart for His people.  I think we would strive to live our lives in a way that served others and lifted others up.  I think we would do whatever it takes to fulfill His plan for us.

So when you get distracted and focused on other things just remember "Gotta go...I've got a fish!" and then get your eyes back on God.  He'll be there, looking right back at you! :-)

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